2B Or Not 2B

Image Credit:  Wiki Commons Mafalda4144

February 28th

2B Or Not 2B: An illustrated story of drawing

Why is Leonardo’s famous cartoon in the National Gallery no joke?  What is the purpose of a ‘spolvero’?  How much lead is there in a pencil? Which tree produces gall nut ink? And can you spot bracelet shading, cross-hatching, stippling or stumping? 

Drawing plays a key role in an artist’s training. The techniques are quick and immediate. It is a type of brain-storming: a way of sketching out ideas. But it can be also planning a composition, presenting an idea for a large project to a client, or purely a finished product in its own right.

Whilst some of the earliest drawings made by man survive in the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave, most extant drawings date from the late Medieval period. These take the form of model books for use in a busy workshop.

From the Renaissance, model books would be replaced with more personal sketch books. Precious hand-made rag paper would be replaced with machine-made wood pulp sheets, metal point would be replaced with the modern pencil. But charcoal, as used at Chauvet, still remains popular today.

In this beautifully illustrated lecture we will discover the drawing techniques of the Great Masters.

Lynne Gibson

Now working as a freelance lecturer in the History of Art, Lynne originally trained as a fine artist and has taught painting, drawing and printmaking in higher and adult education. She lectured as an art historian for the universities of Sussex and Bristol where she introduced "Understanding Art" to the Lifelong Learning programme and residential summer schools. She gives talks, lectures and guided tours to a wide range of organisations and institutions including ARCA colleges, the National Trust, National Gallery, art museums and art societies. She has worked as a professional artist specializing in oil painting and etching. Solo and group shows have included the RWA, British Museum and the Barbican.

Image Credit: Thomas T